Next Gen Catalog Requirements

Next Gen Catalog Requirements




We need a short intro here, plus some instructions for those adding to this page. The intro should define the scope of the page (not of the NGC)


Requirements (cooked)

This area is for edited requirements. See this as a single, coherent document, without (too much) repetition

Data and database



User functions


Staff functions


System functions and features


Requirements (raw)

In this area you can dump any raw requirements, cut-and-paste from email or documents, or just toss off an idea. As raw requirements are moved up to the edited Requirements area, they should be deleted from here. The items here should be seen as work items for folks editing the Requirements.


May, 2007 kc

The list below is from the talk given by Prof. Tim Burke at the first public meeting of the LoC Future of Bibliographic Data group.



Dec. 12, kc added Amy Ostrom's long list. There will be duplication here, so some editing needs to be done and more items moved to the "cooked" area.

















So, from these wants, here is a basic (non-comprehensive) list of features we need to build a better catalog:


1. XML format

2. More (and better) content

3. More pictures

4. Smarter search engine

5. RSS on the fly

6. Commenting!! Commenting!!

7. User accounts

8. Single sign-in

9. User created lists/content

10. Permalinks

11. FRBR 2.0

12. Highly customizable interface

13. Highly user-friendly account settings/options

14. Smart spell-check aka related spelling/search terms

15. Organizable search results


I want several views, based on availability:

Some searches are about what I can find RIGHT NOW. Others are "does this exist anywhere"?

For an OPAC, do we really want one catalog per library? I belong to 3 libraries, 2 of which are consortia...

I need to be able to select availability restrictions BEFORE or AFTER a search. My availability option should persist for my session or until I choose another availability view.